Tips for Digital Storytelling in 2018

Today’s world can feel like a crowded space. We have messages flying at us everyday, all day, from all directions. Social media channels compete, not just against each other but with digital platforms like blogs, newsletters and YouTube. Pop ups and re-marketing is in our face whenever we turn our heads and print advertising, billboards and brochures still seem to be common place. So how do you stand out in this busy marketplace? How do you get your business and your activities in front of the right tourists, in the right place at the right time?

Digital storytelling allows you to reach your customers on a personal level where they are given insight into your vision, daily activities and how they can join you on an exciting adventure. Here are some tips from the social media and digital gurus at 5 Star Stories for harnessing the power of great stories in 2018:

Be authentic

The best stories are ones that are delivered straight from the horse’s mouth. They are authentic, honest and believable. There is no one better to tell your stories than you – so ask your staff, guides and even travellers for information about their daily adventures and use these to build great social media posts, videos and blogs. You can also share opinions in your area of expertise or advice for travelling to your area. By delivering up-to-date content from your area, recent tourist-friendly news and relevant tips and tricks, you will become seen as an authority and someone that customers can trust. This is the type of content that gets travelers excited about travelling, and in return they want to participate in your activities.

Choose your channels

Social media and digital marketing is the new word-of-mouth and provides a direct link to your customers. You can instantly know what travellers are saying and sharing about your business and interact directly with them. That said, don’t spread yourself too thin and be sure to choose your channels wisely. There are so many social media and digital marketing platforms out there, with new ones popping up every day. And believe it or not, you don’t need to be on them all. Identify which ones your travellers are using and be sure to focus on the right channels for your target audience.

Keep it short

In our busy world we don’t have time to sit and listen to lengthy presentations or read multiple page articles. The key to standing out in 2018 is keeping your messages short and simple. Never has the saying ‘a picture tells a thousand words’ been more relevant and videos tell an entire story. This year focus on creating great visuals that really get your company’s message across in an instant and reduce the text to an absolute minimum in all marketing materials.


Collaboration is key in 2018. Reach out to amazing photographers and videographers who can help build your image database or run a photography competition to harness great images from previous travellers. Invite journalists and influencers to come and experience what you do and write about the experience. This also connects you to audiences outside your scope.

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